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HR & Employee Solutions

To Build, Hire and Inspire Your Team

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The 3 Key Essentials to Build a Great Team

HR Solutions Hiring Recruitment

Hire the Best Employees

Having a HR system to hire great employees is essential. It requires a great ad and skills to identify people with heart.

HR solution Work team meeting

Hold Team Meetings

All sports teams meet and train regularly, so why not in workplaces? Weekly is the ideal time frame - with all employees.

Show Figures of Results

All sports teams have a game score, and every player knows it. To motivate your team show them their figures. 

The Secret Attributes of Great Employees

The best employees are ones whose heart is in their work, and vision for the business. 

Heart + Mind = Initiative

Only the heart can activate the mind and when their mind is fully on the job, that's when they take initiative with ideas to improve their role. Money isn't the driver, contribution is.

Benefits of a heart and mind engaged employees...
Have great memories
Always reliable, dependable
Great attitudes and ethics
Have humility, keen to learn
Rarely have sick days
Don't need to be told twice


What All Employees Want - Culture Tips

Two decades of solving employee HR issues with strategies and setting the business up with systems has proven a few things. Especially when going to full 'business freedom' outcome where the owner is completely free - to stop working, and/or holiday constantly. 

When employees are happy and love their work, they don't mind if the owner isn't working at all. Fulfilling employees 7 emotional needs contributes to that being achieved. 

Running weekly team meetings, and showing relevant work figures is a key ingredient to fulfilling your employees' needs.

When employees are happy, they take more responsibility, work harder, show initiative and need almost no supervision.

Team meetings combined with these other strategies lead to personal rewards you will enjoy with a high performance team.


How the Team Development Mentoring Works

Vision is Defined

A major goal for your business is defined for 2 to 5 years.

Share the Vision

Team meetings are kicked off, to share your Vision.

Weekly Meetings

Team meetings are held every week to build through 5 stages.

Figures are Shared

Figures for team meetings are identified and presented.

You are given a full recruitment system with assistance on customising the ads, to hire a heart and mind engaged employee. Mentoring includes introducing team meetings to take them through the '5 stages.'  The content is delivered in one on one mentoring meetings on Zoom to take your team through the '5 Stages of Team Building.' 


Business Owners Comments About the Hiring and Team Building System they Received

Having a recruitment system means never having to be 'held to ransom' with poor attitude or performing staff that let you down. This is a key ingredient of building a full HR system solution. 

Why Consider Tim Stokes as Your Business Mentor?

Tim Stokes is one of Australia's most experienced small business entrepreneurs, coaches and mentors. He's built six businesses over his 40+ years in business and worked with thousands of businesses in four countries.

He's a full-time researcher into entrepreneurship, extreme business success and setting businesses up so that working can become optional. He has invested over $150,000 in learning from marketing experts, entrepreneurs, business gurus and legends of international business.

With over 20,000 hours of research, development and refinement of his strategies, systems, management tools and methodology, he is respected and recommended by dozens of accounting firms, who see his results in their client's financial reports. 

Tim was a pioneer in the business coaching industry being one of the very first, starting in 1997 as a "pilot" franchisee. He became the "Worldwide Business Coach of the Year in 2000" with ActionCoach, the first time they created the award. ActionCoach is the largest business coaching organisation in the world. 

Tim has also spoken to thousands of business owners in self-marketed seminars, webinars, workshops, and courses. He has worked one-on-one delivering business mentoring programs in 4 countries, Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Canada. He is highly respected by leading accounting firms with dozens referring hundreds of their clients to his programs. 

If you want results that not just improve, but transform your life and business, follow him on LinkedIn or Facebook, or talk to Tim about your business, challenges, goals and dreams.

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